One of the foundational training ministries used by BBM is the “PLACE” workshop produced by We have seen this as a valuable tool helping pastors, church leaders, and the whole congregation. It is integrated into the coaching process, many transition ministries, and leadership development ministries.  

Pastors can't do all the ministry needed in churches. Biblically, they are not responsible to do it all. Pastors are to "equip the saints (believers) for the work of ministry."

PLACE workshops can be a valuable help to pastors and church leaders to find, equip, and fit people into ministry. The fit is not simply based on church needs but a personal understanding of the uniqueness God has created within the individual believer. Our pastoral coaching ministry uses the PLACE workshop with a personal assessment process to begin the coaching process.


PLACE workshops introduce you to a process of self discovery that enables you to understand how God has designed you as an individual. Results of this discovery lead to strengthening of relationships in the church, home, and workplace.

PLACE is a biblically based and practically applied approach to developing self understanding and understanding of others. The step by step personal assessment is a tested measure for discerning your personality and spiritual gift combination.

PLACE enables you to find where you fit in ministry based on your personal profile. The result being greater satisfaction and joy in serving the Lord.

The instruction methods include multi-media. Biblical truths and practical illustrations are applied to real life situations in the home, church and workplace.


PERSONALITY DISCOVERY begins with a biblical overview for understanding and assessing personality. We will look at how people in the Bible reflected diversity in personality. This session includes a personality inventory helping you to understand the individuality God has created in you. A benefit to understanding our personalities is that we begin to understand and appreciate differences in others.

LEARNING SPIRITUAL GIFTS looks at the biblical definition of what spiritual gifts are and why they were given. A spiritual gifts inventory is completed to enable you to understand how God has uniquely gifted you for service. You now begin to discover how your personality and spiritual gifts make you a unique individual with special potential.

ABILITY AWARENESS is a personal assessment of what your natural abilities are and how they can be used by God in ministry. We will study the abilities of several Bible characters. A personal profile is being built that will help guide you to discover where you fit in the body of Christ.

CONNECTING PASSION to your personality, spiritual gifts, and abilities is the next step in helping you find just the right PLACE in ministry. Often people are not happy or are ineffective in church ministry because they are either not in the right place or their "heart" is not in it. This session will help connect your heart, head and body together in serving Christ.

EXPERIENCES IN LIFE is the last step of the PLACE Workshop. You will look at the experiences God has allowed you to have and discover how they can be used in ministry.

Discovering your PLACE in ministry can be one of the most fulfilling parts of the Christian life. God has created you as a unique individual. Growing in understanding of this individuality from a biblical perspective can bring a fresh new purpose and joy to your Christian life.


BBM can format the PLACE Workshops to meet specific interests of your church ministry.

The PLACE Family Workshop
. . . applies the same biblical principles to marriage and family relationships. Results include better understanding of how God has individually designed ourselves, our spouses, and our children.

The PLACE Team Building Workshop
. . . is designed to develop team relationships in the pastoral staff and church leaders. Results include developing better relationships and communication skills among church leadership. This can also be a good leadership retreat program.

The PLACE Leaders Workshops
. . . helps the pastor and leaders to implement the PLACE process into the total ministry of the church.

*The basic materials used in the workshops are produced by PLACE ministries.


The DYI  was originally designed to build a global mission strategy. BBM uses the basic format to help churches discover how to build a total ministry based on the biblical mission of the church.


Recognize God's Global Design. We look at how God has planned to use the church to reach all peoples and at changing global circumstances that are opening new opportunities. 

Discover Your Design. We identify key elements, DNA, God has designed into your congregation for His fulfilling of His Mission. 

Study Other Designs. We learn from other churches that have mobilized for outreach according to their design. 

Design Your Impact. We begin to identify how God may want to use your church's unique design characteristics for maximum global impact. 

Run by Design. We share some ideas about how to design a mobilization plan for your           congregation. And, offer an ongoing coaching ministry to fulfill the mission.