Revitalization is a Special Calling

In the last few Equipper posts with BBM we have been sharing the potential in revitalizing or replanting churches that often results in considering a co-vocational pastor.  The revitalization task can be as re-plant pastor or simply taking on the challenge of leading a church in desperation to become a revitalized church. In either case, there is a special calling in revitalization.


            The Biblical character qualities are always the bottom line for any calling to pastoral ministry. The gifting of a pastor will inevitably impact the direction of a church ministry. Combining the pastor’s gifting with the characteristics of a local congregation and community often creates a very unique set of challenges. 


            A church planter or re-plant pastor in many ways is starting with a fresh slate. He has some special opportunities and challenges that a pastor of an established church may not have. Thus, these pastors need to have some character traits, gifts, and strengths in a somewhat great ability. Following are some of the things that are identified as being needed in an extra portion.


  1. First, I would suggest, that his calling needs to be absolute and clear. If there is any weakness in one’s calling, it will result in being unsure and often leads to questioning if one is following God’s will.

  2. Commitment with an ability to stand strong in times of discouragement is a must. Paul in 1 Thessalonians 2 declares how he continued to pursue building the church even after and during opposition. Church revitalization will bring multiple difficulties that require a “Stick-to-it” attitude.

  3. Motivation is a critical point of evaluating how fit one is for planting and/or revitalization ministry. Again, Paul in 1 Thessalonians 2 declares his motives as NOT being deceitful, greedy, self glorifying, nor making demands.

  4. Discipleship driven is an essential to building a future for the church. The passion for evangelism must lead to discipleship. Attraction is a needed part of this work but it must be followed up with intentional discipleship. It is never enough to simply get people to a service. There must strategic plans to “Make Disciples” not simply believers.

  5. Relationship building both in the community and in the fellowship is an essential quality for both reaching and assimilating people.

  6. The revitalization pastor, to a degree, needs to be ready to be a generalist. He will have limited staff and/or leaders in the church. He will need to be both a pastor and an evangelist. If not gifted in evangelism he needs to do “the work of an evangelist.”

  7. A key to the success of any pastor is his spouse. This is even more crucial for the revitalization pastor. His wife must be one who is willing to persevere with her husband.


            These character issues can be applied to any pastor. However, the reality is that in re-plant or revitalization ministry these are areas that will be tested beyond most other church ministries. 


            A positive outcome is when the Lord uses you to help bring about a “resurrection.” There is a special blessing and reward. If you read 1st and 2nd Thessalonians, you will see the hardships and sacrifices Paul made in church planting. You will also see how blessed he felt to know his “labor was not in vain.”