Series: Finding Your Place in the Great Commission
By Gary Becker
October 2014
In the last issue of The Equipper we saw that we are “Designed for the Great Commission” and are called to be committed to it. It was also shared that we are all individually designed for a special place in God’s global plan.
Discerning where we fit in the global plan requires a deeper understanding of ourselves. A number of years ago I was introduced to what is called the “DISC” profile which helped me to discover my personality type. A few years after that, I found the “PLACE” materials (by Jay MacSwan of Place Ministries) that took the personality profile to a little deeper level. Since that time I have been leading PLACE workshops and using the principles in both church assessments and global planning workshops. This issue of the Equipper is going to be an introduction to five parts of the PLACE workshop with a focus on discerning your place in missions. Understanding and matching these characteristics to your global ministry increases the passion and effectiveness of it.
P - Personality Discovering: All of us have a personality that is a combination of characteristics from birth and natural development. Basically, our personality is a combination of primary and, possibly, secondary personality traits. The four characteristics are Dominate (Directing), Inspirational, Stability (Status Quo), and Constructive. Understanding your personality and the personalities of the local church can help in the discovery of where you fit in the global ministry.
As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace. 1 Peter 4:10
L- Learning Spiritual
Gifts: Every believer
has been given at least
one gift enabling them
to minister to others.
Romans 12 is a good
starting point in
discovering your gifts.
Knowing your gifts and
the gift mix of the
church enables us to
know where we can make the greatest impact in relationship to the Great Commission.
A – Natural Ability: In addition to our giftedness we all have natural abilities. Missions today present diverse opportunities to use natural abilities. A favorite expression of mine is, “You can do that in the Great Commission.” Missions today can use your natural ability in relationship to what God is doing globally.
C – Connecting your Passion: Each of us have things we are passionate about. It may be children, the homeless, education, or a long list of personal interests. Churches, also, have individual passions based on the congregation. When you connect passion with missions it creates a new commitment and interest that ignite the church. This often effects not only the global ministry but the local ministry.
E – Experience in life: Each of us have had life experiences that can shape our thinking, abilities, and passion. Both positive and negative experiences enable us to share the lessons we learned with others. Even in a cross-culture setting people can gain from the life experiences of others. Churches, likewise, can learn from the experiences in churches of other
For more information contact
Gary R. Becker at 717-856-4523
cultures. One area of my personal ministry has been in working with newer churches in different cultures. What I have learned is that churches face similar problems and transitions as they grow. Of course, learning to understand the cultural differences and influences is essential in applying what you have learned from a different culture.
The PLACE model for identifying your DNA and the DNA of a church has been a great tool in helping people to find their place for making a global impact. Furthermore, it helps churches to be more strategic in their global mission.
The DYI (Designing Your Impact) and the PLACE workshop are two of the tools BBM has found to ignite people personally and help churches in finding their place in the Great Commission. When used in combination there is an empowering that helps make a greater local and global impact for the church.
When we study the book of Acts, one of the missionary movements we see is Paul and other ex- perienced leaders often going back to help with church planting areas.
One of the primary purposes is to help train the leaders. Today this same
principle is needed in many global ministries. God is providing numerous
opportunities through BBM for Gary Becker to come alongside mission- aries and national pastors through teaching ministries. Looking toward 2015 we are hoping to be involved in at least two global areas.
Belarus has been an area where Gary has had long term connection in ministry at the seminary in Minsk and with the pastors of churches
(with Slavic Missionary Service). We had to postpone our ministry in Belarus planned for this fall but are planning to reschedule for Spring 2015.WorldVenture has opportunities for teaching in short-term ministry in Sri Lanka, Jordan, Bangla- desh, and other countries. Our goal in 2015 is to plan at least one additional teaching ministry with WorldVenture.
Additionally, we can help others who are considering a global ministry. Discovering a place of ministry or mission team is an area that Gary is available to provide support and coaching.
You can help support these ministries by a contribution to the BBM Global Fund. Our goal between the fall of 2014 and the fall of 2015 is to raise at least $6,000 to allow us to confirm plans to meet these opportunities.
BBM Workshops in the Fall of 2014
Gary will be leading two area wide Design Your Impact Workshops. Registration is open to churches and individuals. Contact Gary Becker for more info.
Friday & Saturday October 17-18
Petersburg Baptist Church
Pastor: Mark Norlund
Petersburg, NY
Saturday November 8, 2014
Abundant Life Baptist Church
Pastor: George Garancosky
Washington PA