Exploring Global Movements

What is God Using in Global Missions? Series: Finding Your Place in the Great Commission By Gary Becker


November 2014

In the last two issues of the Equipper we looked at God’s Design for Making a Global Impact and how to Discover Your DNA for Making an Impact. This issue will explore what God is using to impact our changing world.

There is no question that we are living in changing times. In the Design

Your Impact workshop we state, WE HAVE THE CONSISTENCY OF AN UNCHANGING PURPOSE BUT MAJOR CHANGES IN METHODOLOGY DUE TO THE RAPID CHANGES IN OUR WORLD (from DualReach facilitators manual). The changes have both negative and positive effects on our global impact. The biggest concern I have is that some of the negative changes are actually ignoring biblical principles. On the other side, we are seeing some movements that are returning and/or rediscovering biblical principles in missions.

Changes that neglect Biblical principles: 1. Local focus without a global focus 2. Social focus without spiritual focus 3. Evangelism without discipleship

4. Outreach without a biblical mission
5. World concern without establishing churches

A root of the problem is focusing on mans’ outward needs and neglecting the “Mission” of the Great Commission. Churches that focus on the local church, or even the local community, without a global focus are neglecting the principles found in Matthew 28:18- 20, Acts 1:8, Acts 13, and a host of Scriptures. Basically, when our focus and funds are all locally focused we are actually showing our self interest.

It is far easier to see the social and physical needs than to see the depravity of the heart and the lost condition of man. Our emotions are moved more by

seeing hurting people than to feel the danger of an eternity without Christ.

The other common factor in the neglecting of biblical principles is ignoring or minimizing the priority of establishing biblical churches. The Apostle Paul’s mission was clear: establishing churches made up of worshipers of Jesus Christ. A major flaw in the focus of churches is the neglect in establishing biblically sound churches.

We are living in a time of great opportunities for establishing churches globally. There are many positive movements that are offering creative opportunities and challenges for making a greater local and global impact. Let me share a few of the opportunities and ways churches are becoming a strategic force in missions today.

1. Business As Missions is a great example of how individuals and churches are impacting cultures. WorldVenture calls it “Transformational Ventures.”

“Transformational Ventures is a Business as Mission (BAM) ministry of WorldVenture designed to promote enterprise development and job creation in impoverished communities around the world.

By leveraging WorldVenture’s vast network of worldwide contacts and ministries, this outreach can effectively alleviate long-term poverty and human suffering by helping Christians in struggling areas operate successful enterprises, create jobs and impact their communities for Christ.”

The key to this type of approach to missions is building a direct connection with the church planting ministry near the business venture. It is through the business contacts that relationships are built with the opportunity for a clear proclamation leading to connecting with a biblically based church.

For more information contact
Gary R. Becker at
NEW ADDRESS: 1600 COLONIAL MANOR DR. - LANCASTER PA, 17603 becker@balancedministries.org. / balancedministries.org

2. On the home-front churches are beginning to realize that understanding their “DNA” helps define a clearer vision with a greater impact. The DYI workshops and vision workshops are helping churches discover a focus that ignites the whole church.

3. Churches are taking “Vision Trips” based on a focus related to the church DNA. On a Vision Trip, a select group of leaders (including the pastor if possible) visit a field or people group to begin building understanding and relationships. A strategic plan is developed for the local church to become directly involved in coming alongside a ministry/church on the field.

4. Once there is a clearly defined focus, churches are becoming fully mobilized in the strategic development and missions ministry on the field. It may begin with doing some work projects and even lead to coming alongside the church leaders in doing the work of evangelism and establishing the church. The long-term connection with the

supporting churches and the church being established builds personal relationships

5. Following the Apostle Paul’s example, some churches are able to send established leaders and pastors to provide teaching and training for leadership in the growing church. Some global areas are experiencing exponential growth but are in need of building a deeper biblical foundation to stand against false teaching.

There are numerous ways that churches are becoming more involved in local and global missions. A great way to begin exploring the global movements is having a church assessment that focuses on making local and global impact.

The changing world is opening new and exciting global opportunities. The church has a choice to stay in the past and neglect its responsibility or to step out of the box and make a global impact. Our goal in missions coaching is to come alongside churches helping them design a strategy for a local and global impact.

Winter is a great time for discipleship making!

The fall is a time of getting ready for winter and holidays. Spring is a time when our church members are preoccupied with sports and landscaping. Summer is vacation time. When
serving as pastor, I found January through March was a great time for
planning special opportunities for discipleship. Schedules were not as

heavy and people were more willing to attend a special workshop. There is always the risk of a snow storm and we often hesitate to schedule special meeting. In our hesitation, we miss great opportunities.

Consider planning a workshop or special Sunday focused on missions,
leadership, or discipleship. BBM offers several workshops or we can de-
sign a workshop focused on coming alongside your goals and ministries.
You can go to our ministries page at
www.balancedministries.org to get some ideas. Contact Gary Becker to discus some options.

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