Admitting your weaknesses can be depressing unless you see the opportunities. Whenever we do a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Targets) assessment on our ministry, or do a personal profile, it should lead us to seeing opportunities.
Opportunities may come from your own strengths. However, not all opportunities are based on your strengths. Some come from the open doors God puts before us. Some even enable us to overcome our weaknesses.
When looking at ministry there are always opportunities. Seeking to discover where your ministry should go begins with looking for the opportunities. Using BBM as our example, here are a few of the opportunities we see for our ministry:
As my board members and others have noted, my personal gifts and experience have uniquely equipped me for our ministry to support pastors and churches in transition.
Leading churches through pastoral transition and serving as a “Transitional Pastor” is an opportunity that opens others doors.
Recent special contributions are allowing us to be a little more aggressive in ministry.
Offering leadership and individual “Life Coaching” is an expanding part of our ministry.
Using IT opportunities including website, facebook, twitter, blogs, etc. is an effective way to develop a greater awareness of our ministry.
Offering workshops on Leadership Development including the Design Your Impact and PLACE workshops offers support to churches in making a greater impact.
We have global opportunities requesting our ministry that we need to explore.