Transferable Lessons on discovering opportunities

Opportunities need to be evaluated based on understanding our strengths and weaknesses.
God has designed each of us and every experience in life to be used to prepare us for a ministry. (Romans 12)
God is able to supply not only our needs but do abundantly above what we can think. (Eph. 3:20)
Often we only discover our potential when we realize the value of mentoring and coaching relationships. (2 Timothy 2:2)
We need each other in ministry, and many times in our weaknesses God provides others to complete our ministry. Opportunities can be discovered by seeing needs. (1 Corinthians 12)
Discovering opportunities requires us to have an understanding of current issues and cultural changes. (1 Chronicles 12:32)
A key in discovering opportunities is that it begins on our knees (prayer). (1 Cor. 16:9 and Col. 4:3)

    Opportunities are not always seen easily. We need to learn to be willing to explore to find new opportunities. BBM is recognizing we need to take some of the current changes to explore new opportunities to fulfill our purpose of supporting pastors and churches in transition.

    Once we have become aware our strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities, it is time to consider targets. The next issue of the Equipper will help in establishing targets.